Why do humans sometimes act inhumanely?  

Posted by Plato Greybeard

     This topic is the most unpleasant we have had occasion to examine at Plato's Academy. In everything we have discussed prior to today, reasonable individuals could differ on the meaning and significance of the questions presented. But I suspect that we will all be in agreement that, while humans sometimes do act inhumanely toward other humans, it is a despicable act.

     The examples of such behavior are easy to come by. From the Holocaust in the 20th century to slavery, the Inquisition, genocide, lynchings, serial killers, gladiator fights and crucifixions, the list spans all recorded history. Since it is so prevalent, and at the same time so abhorrent, why does it exist at all?

     Great teachers throughout the ages have spoken against it. Moses. Jesus. Buddha. Mohammad. Every decent human being condemns it, yet it continues to this day. Why?

     Why indeed? Do humans treat other humans inhumanely because they seek revenge, to inflict punishment, because they hate or do they truly hold a belief system that justifies torture, maiming or taking another's life? Is it possible that human beings are innately predisposed to act in such a vile manner and only refrain from doing so because of the moderating influence of society?

     Does the influence of literature, art and representations on stage and screen help perpetuate such evil acts?

     Finally we come to the most perplexing and unanswerable question of them all: what can we as individuals and as a society do to stop, or at least stem the tide, of inhuman behaviors?

This entry was posted on March 23, 2011 at Wednesday, March 23, 2011 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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